Have not seen this one in some time. Still as hysterical as ever. This was on HBO constantly when I was young, and I watched it over and over. It was the grandpappa of all the parody films, and launched Leslie Nielsen on a new career. Loved it then, loved it now. The commentary from the three directors is fun too.
Outstanding debut of Big Blue on the Big Screen. Christopher Reeve still IS Superman to many people in the world. The film still holds up, with director Richard Donner pulling of an almost miracle in 1978, making people believe a man can fly. Without this more serious take on a superhero, we would not have the Xmens and Batmans of today.
Now onto what new this week.

Starring Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis...about two lost souls who decide to be, well "Friends with Benefits". You don't think they'll get together in the end? (Did I give it away?) Rotten Tomatoes has given this movie a fresh rating of 71%.

In a case of a studio giving the public what it wanted....this critically panned film was an international smash. Despite only a 23% rating from RottenTomatoes.com, the film was a hit, and the sequel is forthcoming in 2013. The 3 disc Blu-Ray and DVD includes an original Christmas special.
That's it for this week! Have a great post-Thanksgiving, and we'll see you here Friday for a new review.