Tuesday, October 25, 2011

View on Film- Top 5 Guilty Pleasures

Good Tuesday everyone.  Guilty Pleasures.....movies that you know are bad, but you can't help yourself but enjoy them.  Many of our strange love comes from childhood.  Here are my top 5 for Guiltiest Pleasures......be sure to let me know what yours are!

No. 5- Flash Gordon

This movie would define the it's so bad it's good.  The movie is hampered by a woefully weak star (Sam J. Jones) as Flash, but the rest of the cast is game for a spectacular cheesefest.  Everyone seems to be having fun, chewing up scenery left and right.  Max Von Sydow is a standout as Ming the Merciless.  The highlight of the film is the fantastic score and soundtrack by Queen.  Members of the band even take credit, for sending the film into a more of a campy arena with their cheeky music.

No 4- Point Break

The pairing of Keanu Reeves and Patrick Swayze really needs no explanation.  The Fast and the Furious screenwriters obviously borrowed a little from Point Break, with the FBI agent going undercover, and finding he enjoys the lifestyle.  Good cheese here, even though "where is she now', Lori Petty almost sabotages the film singlehandedly.

No 3- Smokey and the Bandit

The Granddaddy of the Southern Movie genre of the 70's.  It's Burt Reynolds at his Movie Star best.  It is a RIDICULOUS film, but also mucho fun.  I had the pleasure of meeting Burt's co-hort in the film, Country Star Jerry Reed.  I was in Jackpot Nevada, and he was the headliner at the casino I was at.  He ended up at the poker table where I was playing, and I actually beat him in a few hands.  When we were both cashing out, I asked him for his autograph....and he couldn't have been nicer UNTIL, I told him I loved him in Smokey and the Bandit.  Apparently, it's not one of his favorites.  He did give me his autograph though.  He is missed.  The sequels are so bad, they're bad.  So avoid them, but the original is a not miss!

No 2- Reefer Madness

This is the classic "Warning" film from 1936.  The film was trying to show the dangers of smoking "Reefers", and how one can cause you to do serious harm.  However you fall on the subject, the heavy-handedness of the material is howlingly funny!

No 1.- Grease 2

I have great love for this film.  IT IS god awful, but I adore it anyway.  When it premiered on HBO, I was a young 11 years old.  I watched it over and over again, just to watch Michelle Pfeiffer. I didn't know girls could be that cute!  So Michelle lured me in, and I learned all the songs despite myself.  This film is fun to watch with friends, to point out the numerous inconsistancies, flubs, and just bad choices.

There you go.  Let me know what your choices would be!


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